Celebrating 50 Years Of Empowerment!

Making a
Lasting Impact

Skills Training

Thousands of Graduates of IIDA skills training courses are in good positions all over India. and many run their own companies or are involved in social services. They are the best proof of the impact by the many training courses conducted over 50 years since the founding of the organisation. In the year 2012, former trainees established the IIDA Alumni Association, showcasing their success stories and maintaining strong ties with each other and IIDA, their mother organisation.

Child Care

Started in 1983, side by side with the vocational training courses, the IIDA child day care centre in Thidirnagar provided (and still provides) daily care, meals, education and social support for children in this poverty stricken area of Chennai. Hundreds of those who received basic kindergarten training are now grown-ups, having their own families. They count it a blessing for having received valuable care at the beginning of their lives.

50 years jubilee Event

We celebrated the 50th anniversary of IIDA with over 500 attendees on the 16th and 17th of March!

Ready to change lives and work with us? Great!


IIDA profits support projects/programmes that empower young people  from low income backgrounds, abuse and neglect through scholarships and  skill training.

We look forward to partnering with you!

We are fully equipped with all necessary documentation and licenses to engage in meaningful collaborations that adhere to the highest standards of compliance and ethics.

Join us in our dream to pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future.

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